Water Projects
Water is the source of human life and well-being, Preserving it is both a duty and anecessity.
Water is, from the beginning of our business venture, the heart of our business. Being aware that it is one of the most important resources to protect, preserving and using it in a way that is sustainable is rational.
Europrogetti is involved in projects regarding using water for drinking, agricultural and industrial purposes and governs the whole integrated water cycle.
From initial planning work involved for the collection of surface water and groundwater, to the sizing of distribution networks and networks of expulsion and exhaust, to the planning work of sewage treatment plants and reuse.
Integrated and efficient solutions, considered with special attention to saving and the recovery of the water resource, consequently saving energy.
We realize states of consistency and due diligence (measurement campaigns of existing networks wells, infrastructure), checks and controls of operation (pressure, flow rate etc..) with our own equipment and means.