Waste Projects
A good waste management and solving past mistakes represents a serious hypothesis of our future, on the quality of our territories and on our health.
Europe produces about two billion tons of waste every year. For years we have considered this waste as a resource and we are committed in all areas of recovery: from planning separate collection systems to recycling and development.
Europrogetti supports public and Private companies, providing operational advice, know-how, and assistance for the exploitation of waste and, only as a last resort, for controlled and safe disposal.
Remediation of contaminated sites is now a need that has kept us involved with construction throughout the peninsula to re-establish and reuse the sites thereby permitting new life. As part of the remediation of contaminated sites Its own customers support in ensuring due environmental diligence, in preparation and execution of plans of categorization, risk assessment and operating projects remediation.
The process of reclamation is followed also in the operational phase with the site supervision and assistance on site.